Welcome to Glory Light Ministries!

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Welcome to Glory Light Ministries

For INTERNET RADIO, please select the "Radio button on the the top bar. You may select a station there. For LIVE STREAM SCHEDULING, Please check the events schedule on the left.

For your reading pleasure, please see NEW BOOKS in the "New Books" section on the left of the screen. All books are available through the publisher or through any book store.

Again, welcome to Glory Light Ministries/We hope tour visit with us is pleasant and refreshing. We have several places that might be of interest to you. Please check our recipes section in Vege Cuisine and also the sermons in our School of Bible section for a physical and heavenly spiritual cuisine.

Your Story Hour plays several times each day. Please check the events schedule for times.

We will be adding new features from time to time, so please check in frequently.

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Glory Light Ministries is operated under the guidance of Pastor Craig Martin Barnes. It is a multi-faceted organization promoting health through the Gospel and through lifestyle. Please feel free to explore our website. We encourage you to add to your experience by listening to the radio while you study and pray, or, for that matter, all day long. We wish for you all the blessings of Jehovah the creator.

"Whether ye therefor eat or drink, do all to the glory of God." 1st Corinthians 10:31