Glory Light Foundation and Ministries do not charge for any of their services. All income is from donations only. However, we believe that God's work is worth something. --- If you are blessed by your visit to our website and you would like to see this ministry continue, you have several (4) options: ----------------------------------
1. You may send a check or money order to GLORY LIGHT FOUNDATION, INC. or to GLORY LIGHT MINISTRIES at .... P.O. Box 133, Springfield, TN 37172 (see below). -----------------------------------
2. GLORY LIGHT FOUNDATION, Inc. is a 501c(3) tax exempt organization dedicated to assisting people through a gospel and lifestyle approach to health. Your donation is tax exempt according to the USA tax code. (If you do not need a tax deduction, we invite you to donate to Glory Light Ministries, in the section below.)
------------------------------------ 3. GLORY LIGHT MINISTRIES is the private sole proprietorship charitable
organization of Pastor Craig M. Barnes with the same goals as the foundation. These donations are for the
private ministry of Pastor Barnes and are NOT tax deductible. (If you need a USA tax deduction, please donate
to Glory Light Foundation, in the section above.)
------------------------------------ 4. The KROGER Co. is a donor to
Glory Light Foundation. If you live in middle Tennessee and have a Kroger card,
you may participate in the Kroger Community Rewards program. (This is actually at no cost to you.)
You can enroll on Kroger's website, Kroger.com, or check with your store's service desk. Please
specify Glory Light Foundation, Inc., #63679.