School Of Bible
Study Guides
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Copyright Issues
Copyright (c) 2016 by Craig Martin Barnes

There are no specific expressed copyrights on any of these articles by any of these authors; or they reside, or have been placed, in the public domain. Pastor Wieland expressed to me in person, generically, that his works can be copied and disseminated, but do not change them. With this in mind, this will be the rules of copyright for all the messages found on this website:

1.They can be copied and disseminated as is, but not sold.
2.If quoted or excerpted, such excerpting must be done true to the context and not made to say something they do not say.
3.Please give proper attribution. Possible authors are: A. T. Jones, E. J. Waggoner, Robert J. Wieland, Donald K. Short, Alexander Snyman, Dr. Robert Van Ornam, Craig M. Barnes, and others.


There is no charge to download these messages. However, if you desire, you may donate through the payment button shown to the right. Currency exchanges should be facilitated through this button.


White, E.G.; "The True Meaning of Love"
White, E.G.; "Telling Faults, Detailed Instructions"
Unknown; "Performance Ministry"
Unknown; "Leadership"
Waggoner, E.J.; "Worth the Price"
Waggoner, E.J.; "Every Man Is in Christ When Enering the World"
Jones, A.T.; "Studies In Galatians 2:20"
Barnes, Craig; "God's Gift Is Not an Offer"
Barnes, Amber; "Never Underestimate the Power of the Still Small Voice"
Barnes, Craig; "Ten Secrets To a Happy Marriage"
Barnes, Craig; "Missing Quadrant" (Women in Ministry)
Barnes, Craig; "A Woman's Vow and Her Bond"
Barnes, Craig; "Mental Power"
Barnes, Craig; "Partaking of the Divine Nature"
Barnes, Craig; "Atonement, Reconciliation, Propitiation, and Justification"
Barnes, Craig; "The State of the Dead"
Barnes, Craig; "Daniel_8-9_Timeline"
White, E.G.; "Historical Culturalism: Re-Interpreting the Scriptures"
Whitcombe, John; "Why the Ordination Controversity Matters"
Barnes, Craig; "Only Two Religions"
Wieland, Robert J.; "An Interview with J. S. Washburn"
Barnes, Craig; "The Latter Rain"
Barnes, Craig; "The Three Ps"
Barnes, Craig; "Play—Games, Sports, Recreation, Amusements, a Summary"
White, E.G.; "Strength, Decision, Will Power"
White, E.G.; "Christmas as a Holiday"

Waggoner, E.J. & Jones, A.T.; "Lessons on Faith"
Waggoner, E.J.; "The Glad Tidings"
Waggoner, E.J.; "Waggoner on Romans"
Waggoner, E.J.; "Christ and His Righteousness"
Waggoner, E.J.; "The Gospel_In_Creation"
Jones, A.T.; "The Consecrated Way To Christian Perfection"
Jones, A.T.; "Our God Is a Consuming Fire"
White, Ellen G.; "Confrontation"
Wieland, Robert J.; "What is the 1888 Message?"
Wieland, Robert J.; "1888 For Almost Dummies"
Wieland, Robert J.; Short, Donald K.; "1888 Re-Examined"
Wieland, Robert J.; "The BacKward Prayer"
Finneman, Gerald; "Christ In the Psalms"
Smith, Uriah; "Daniel & The Revelation_1897_edition

OTHER BOOKS that are available:
Barnes, Craig; "Pillars of the Gospel" (Click on the Picture)
Barnes, Craig; "Feast Days for the Contempory Mind" (Click on the Picture)

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